There are two clinical forms of plague: bubonic plague and pneumonic plague. In bubonic plague do appears acute pain in area of damaged lymphatic glands (located in groin area) before their increase, in children pain appears in underarm and neck areas.
Regional lymphatic glands are damaged in spots of flea-bites. In those spots is rapidly developed haemorrhagic necrotic inflammation. Glands are joined between them (also with adjoining skin and hypoderm) into adhesions forming a large bag (bubo). The skin glosses, becomes red, appear sores on it and bobos get opened. In hemorrhagic exudate is found large amount of plague bacillus.
In pneumonic plague appears hemorrhagic inflammation with necrosis of small pulmonary focuses.
Then appear acute pains in chest, heartbeats, labored breathing, tachycardia, delirium, fear of a deep breath. Cough appears at the beginning, with big amount of mucilaginous, transparent hyaline wet which then becomes foamy, liquid and rusty. Pain in chest increases, breath becomes weaker. Typical symptoms of common intoxication: quick aggravation of condition, development of infectious toxic shock syndrome. The prognosis is severe, patient dies in 3 – 5 days.
Recognition is based on clinic and epidemiologic evidences. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests (bacterioscopic, bacteriologic, biological, serologic).
All diseased people must be hospitalized. Major principles of therapy is complex usage of antibacterial, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapies. Are indicated infections of desintoxication liquids such as polyglucin, plasma, hemodez, glucose solution, salt solution.
Fighting gnawing animals, especially rats. Supervising people who work with infected materials.
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