Friday, October 24, 2014

What can be done about Prolactin-induced gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, known as “gyno”, is abnormal growth of breast tissue in males due to high estrogen levels. As men get into steroids, the occurrence of gyno is something they all wish to avoid. While there are a few reasons this phenomenon occurs, steroid use is a known culprit as there is heightened Estrogenic activity.

This causes the conversion of androgens to Estrogen during a steroid cycle. While it is seen as a common side effect, it is not widely known that it is one of the most avoidable side effects. There are many preventative measures that can be taken to avoid a prolactin induced Gynocomastia.

Can I know if I’m More Susceptible to contracting Gyno?

Because of the range of individual factors that go into being susceptible to gyno, there is no absolute way to know if you are at risk. Most people are not highly susceptible to gyno. The majority of the male population falls under average or below average susceptibility.

Some may never get gyno, but are constantly just a hairs length away from developing it. Others have it, and may not even know it. For this population, it will usually have developed during puberty. The slightest change in hormones can set off the effects of gyno in this population; though unless provoked, it usually remains dormant.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to figure out where on the spectrum you are. So if you want preventative measures, there are options available to you.

What Causes Elevated Prolactin?

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It is secreted in high dosage usually only by women who are breast feeding. It is abnormal for any man or woman not in that situation to have high levels of Prolactin. Prolactin becomes elevated by the elevation of Estradiol.

A way to avoid the elevation of Estradiol without other medications is to be aware of the amount of aromatizing steroids that are used in a cycle. By limiting use at the source you will keep from triggering the higher levels of Estradiol as well as Prolactin, thus using your own steroid regimen to your benefit.

Top 4 most aromatizing steroids are:





Take a look on “What is steroid aromatization” to find more about steroids you are better to stay away.

Can my Thyroid Affect Prolactin levels?

Low thyroid levels can also have an effect on higher levels of Prolactin. A lower thyroid level causes an increased level of THC to be secreted, stimulating the pituitary gland. This in turn secretes more Prolactin. Before you start a drug regimen of any kind concerning levels of high Prolactin, you should look into getting a thyroid test.

Not only will it potentially solve your Prolactin increase without unnecessary drugs, but low thyroid levels can bring a mess of symptoms to the body, such as depression, weakness, constipation, dry skin, or memory problems. If the thyroid is the issue, Prolactin levels are just one of many side effects that need attention.

If I just want to be safe, what should I take?

Many sources caution against taking anything for Prolactin unless you know you have an issue with your levels. If you know you are at risk, a dopaminergic drug can help lessen Prolactin secretion. Two of the more popular choices are Selegiline (Deprenyl) and Pramipexole (Mirapex).

The safer of the two choices is Deprenyl, with less of an effect on prolactin, at as dosage of 2.5 mg per day. Mirapex is recommended at a careful dosage of .25 to .5, right before bed. Pramipexole is more aggressive, but also more dangerous. Dosage should be monitored carefully, and it should not be taken without a blood test to ensure an actual Prolactin issue.

Right workout gonna help you a lot in getting rid of man boobs. Watch this video to find out best exercises for reducing gynocomastia  appearance.

Gyno is health condition that every bodybuilder should be aware of. That’s why we do not get tired or bored of this subject and try to come with fresh  and useful info about it.

To read even more about gyno click on this article “Gynecomastia and bodybuilding“- one of the most detailed post about breast enlargement.


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