Thursday, March 1, 2012

Paratyphoid A and Paratyphoid B

These are acute infectious diseases which are similar to typhoid fever.  Causing agent is bacteria belonging to Salmonella group resistant in external environment. Detergents kill them in several minutes. The only source of infection in Paratyphoid A are diseased people, and in paratyphoid B may be animals (cattle, etc) It may be transmitted orally or via objects.

Symptoms and course
As a rule, paratyphoid  A and B start gradually with symptoms of intoxication (fever, weakness), then appear nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, cold, rash, helcoid damage of bowels lymphatic system.

Paratyphoid A Symptoms
Disease starts acutely in comparison with paratyphoid B. Incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. Is characterized with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, cold with possible face reddness and herpes appearing. Rash appears on 4 – 7 day. In the course of the disease are possible several waves of rashing. Temperature is remittent. Spleen increases rarely. In peripheral blood often are found lymphopenia, leucocytosis, eosinocyte. Here is maintained high possibility of backsets.

Paratyphoid B Symptoms
Incubation period is shorter than in haratyphoid A. It may course differently. In transmission of infection via water the disease starts gradually and its course is mild. When salmonella enters human body with foods occurs its massive entry in the body with prevailing gastroenteric conditions (gastroenteritis) with its further spread in other organs. Paratyphoid B may course in mild or severe forms. Backsets occur rarely. Rash may appear and sometimes it is heavy enough. Spleen and liver increase in the very onset of disease.

Must be complex and includes care, diet, etiotropic and nosotropic medications, and in some cases immune stimulants. Is recommended bed regimen up to 6-7th day of normal body temperature, since 7th day is permitted to get seated and since 10th day to walk. Food must be digestible reducing impact on digestive tract. Doctors prescribe laevomycetin (0,5g four times a day) up to 10th day of normal temperature. To increase effectiveness of casual treatment in order to prevent patient from backsets and chronic forms, it must be performed along with medications that stimulate body defences and increasing body resistance (vaccine)

Preventive Measures:
  • improvement of water supply quality
  • sanitary purification of conglomerations and canalization
  • fighting with flies

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