In case testicles tissue is affected, it leads to development of most severe form of infertility.
Mostly, the gland is exposed to the inflammation called orchitis. The inflammation breaks nutrition of adenoid tissue, thus tissue that was destroyed is unable to provide sex cells and sex hormones anymore.
Male infertility may be a complication of sinusitis, mumps virus and even influenza.
Orchitis causes:
- viral or bacterial infections which may spread through the blood from center of infection found in other organs of the body
- trauma (posttraumatic orchitis)
Orchitis symptoms:
- pains in testicles area
- scrotum increase (most frequently - on one side)
- edema of scrotum tissue
- increase of groin lymph glands on affected side
Orchitis is treated with antibiotics.
major way to prevent men from infertility is to vaccinate them in childhood from mumps
sportsmen (boys and men) should use special devises to protect their groin from all possible traumas
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