Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is an acute contagious disease associated with bacteria of the genius Salmonella. The agent can be kept in the ground and in the water from 1 to 15 months. It dies when healed and under the action of the usual detergents.

The only source of incidence is infected person and the carrier. The rods of Typhoid fever are transmitted directly by dirty hands, flies, waste waters. Most dangerous are outbreaks connected with taking infected foods (milk, cold meat, etc).

Symptoms and course
Incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. In typical cases the Typhoid fever starts gradually. The diseased experience such symptoms as weakness, rapid fatigability, moderate headache. In the next days those symptoms do increase, the temperature of the body raises up to 39-40 "ะก, appetite do lowers or totally disappears, the sleep is interrupted (sleepiness by day and insomnia by night). Also patient can have stool retention and windiness. Till 7-9 day of the disease rush may appear on the upper parts of abdomen skin or on lower parts of the chest. The rush is represented by small red spots with sharp edge having diameter 23mm rising over skin surface and are called roseolas. A new roseola may appear in the place where a roseola disappeared.

The next symptoms are common for patients: restraint, face paleness, decrease in heart rate, lower blood pressure. Also may appear specific bronchitis. The tongue  may be dry and cracky, covered with muddy brown fur, edges and tip of the tongue having no fur. Also may appear rude curmurring of the intestinum cecum and pain of right iliac region, liver and spleen may get increased. The number of leukocytes in peripheral blood is lowered.

To recognize the Typhoid fever is very important to detect early symptoms such as high body temperature lasting more than one week, headache, lowering of physical activity, breakdown, sleeping disorders, appetite disorders, specific rush, sensitivity during palpation of the right part of the abdomen, the increase of the liver and spleen. In laboratory are used next analysis for diagnosis updating: immunofluorescence method and serologic testing.  

For the treatment is used antimicrobial agent called laevomycetin which is prescribed 0,5-0,75gr 4 times per day for 10-12 days. Intravenous is injected 5% glucose solution or normal saline 500-1000gr. In severe cases are injected corticosteroids. Patients should remain at bed rest minimum 7-10 days.

Preventive Measures
1. sanitary inspection of food processors, water systems, canalization
2. early detection of patients and their isolation
3. disinfection of rooms, clothes, utensils
4. fight with flies
5. after disease dispensary observation
6. specific vaccination

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